When head roaster Rummy invited us for a cupping we jumped at the chance. We slurped our way through all the current offerings and let me tell you they were all, AMAZING. OffShoot also hold public cuppings every Thursday at 5pm.
Rummy, once a passionate musician has managed to shift his creative energy from music to coffee. “Working in a café is like being in a band, everyone has to play their part to get the sound right and as a roaster you supply the music for the band to play”.
Now over to the man himself to talk us through OffShoot coffee and the featured roasts.
“We opened Offshoot Coffee as our vision of what an urban inner city cafe/roastery should look like.
Offshoot is powered by our roasting machine - Loring Falcon S15, which uses 80% less gas to roast the coffee, and does it with such great precision and accuracy. But its not only about us, it’s also about our coffee community. Every Thursday we do a tasting event at 5pm for everyone to come for free. You will find other locally roasted coffee showcased next to ours. Or maybe another coffee professional giving a presentation showcasing their coffee, may it be another roaster, green coffee importer, or even the farmer.

This is our passion project, to help our local specialty coffee community grow and taste new things.
Recently we have seen a shift in our local community from being latte art obsessed into being coffee tasting obsessed. This is a huge change for the better of coffee for all coffee lovers. Perth is nowdays considered to be on par with most great cities in the world who have an advanced coffee culture.
We will continue to serve the people the coffee they love, we have something for everyone. Offshoot's mission will be to preserve what people love about coffee, all while pushing the boundaries and research into where coffee is heading.”
The roasts:

Espresso - Planadas Espresso
Origin: Colombia - Asopep, Tolima
Process - Washed
Variety - Castillo, Caturra, Typica
MASL: 1400 - 2150
Notes - Nogat, dark choc, plum
The Asociación de Productores Ecologicós de Planadas, or ASOPEP, is a group of 162 smallholder specialty producers in Planadas, South Tolima, Colombia. Each producer farms an average of 2.5 hectares, between 1,650 and 2,100 meters. The cooperative’s beans are certified Organic and Fair Trade, and some members have produced microlots that cup at SCA scores between 86 and 89 points.
The Coffee trees mature from the lowest part of the mountain, and finish on the top. Since Colombia has 2 seasons of harvest, the coffee production never stops.
Espresso fans will be all over this one like a fat kid on a cup cake! Don’t be afraid to try and up the dose slightly from your normal recipe. This superstar also loves to be enjoyed as a long black or with a dash of milk.

Filter - Dimtu
Origin: Ethiopia - Guji, Odo Shakiso
Process - Natural
Variety - Heirloom
MASL: 1040 - 2128
Notes - Jasmine, red berries, apricot
Getachew Zeleke, the founder of Dimtu Tero Farm, has set an ambitious goal for himself. He wants to become the leader in quality, traceability, and sustainability in the Guji zone. He is convinced that this will be achieved by Guji’s work-force, the coffee smallholders of Odo Shakiso.
The smallholders receive premiums on top of the regular cherry price, interest-free loans,
improved coffee seedlings, processing equipment, and training – in productivity, quality, and sustainability
OffShoot head roaster Rummy shared with us the perfect AeroPress recipe for this killer filter (we think it feels like a hug).
Using the inverted method, fill 3/4 with 93 degree water, start a timer, add the coffee and stir criss-cross 6 times, at 50 seconds fill to the top with cold water. Wait another 2 minutes until the timer reads 2:50, add filter swirl the AeroPress, invert and press. Enjoy!
Thanks to OffShoot coffee and especially Rummy for being our featured roasters this month, it’s been a pleasure.